Monday, January 31, 2011

My childhood rocker is officially an antique!

I climbed into our attic to retrieve this precious little chair.
Don used some wood glue to make it more sturdy.
We cleaned the wood and refreshed the finish.
I made the little skirt and pillows to give it a new life.

I spent many hours in this little chair when I was small.
My children used it when they were young.
I think it is time for the next generation.
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Girlie Creations

I made peasant dresses for Olivia, Leslie and Lily this week. I used the same collection of fabrics with different combinations.I think they all turned out cute.
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Friday, January 28, 2011

Grays of Winter

Gray skies...
bare tree branches...
winter slumber...
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Monday, January 24, 2011

It's finally done!

I feel like the girl in the rice krispie treat ad that throws a little flour on her face and walks out saying, "It's finally done!"
Whew!!! It took 6 months but Ava's blanket is finished. I like what Vickie tells me when I say "Well, it's not perfect." She always says, "Only God is perfect ." Kayla, when Ava is old enough to understand tell her that I was just learning to knit. I've got a long way to go to be good at it! But I thought of my love for her with every stitch.
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winter Love

What is winter without this?

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Owl Banner

I just ran across a really cute owl banner tutorial over at Spunkyjunky .  Check it out...adorable!

Big Sister?

Little Olivia is about to be the big sister.
 I remember when Jackson was born,
I couldn't believe that Jaime would have
 that title at only 14 months old. 
Jaime you will survive...I'm living proof! 

Friday, January 21, 2011


Mothers are at the center of life-giving. 
As I think of my own mother today,
 I think of how she was the hub of our family. 
She was an awesome example of God's love. 
She loved her family. 
She sacrificed for her family. 

 Watching the generation below me, I see  the young mother
 giving her own body for the use of her nursing baby. 
 I see a young mother giving up a whole night
of sleep to comfort a crying child. 
 I see the young mother's body growing and stretching
 to accommodate her unborn baby. 

 My mother did all of those things for me. 
 I did all of those things for mine.
  Now I watch mine doing these things for theirs. 
 I am proud to be a part of all of these precious life-givers lives.

I miss you dear mother.

I've lost it. Can you help?

I've lost my creativity.  Have you seen it lying around anywhere?  Oh yes I saw it the other day when I was at the hospital and then another day when I was at school.  But when I get home it is nowhere in sight!  I have books of ideas, boxes of fabric, and plenty of thread.  Just lacking inspiration......  I hope I find it soon.  I sure miss it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jaime and her babies

The picture on the left is Jaime about 37 weeks with Olivia.
The picture on the right is Jaime this week (about 37 weeks)
with Baby P (gender unknown)
Isn't she a beautiful pregnant lady?
She is a wonderful mom, too.
"I love you, my daughter."
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2 weeks and counting

I am SO excited to be back on Weight Watchers!  Since the first of January I have lost 7.5 lbs.  I know that I won't lose at this rate for long but it sure is encouraging to see the results.  My goal is to lose 30 lbs by June.  The new program is even easier since most fruits are "free."  In fact I'm having trouble eating all the recommended points most days.  I'm looking forward to seeing the former me return in a more "mature" form.  LOL!!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Leslie is FIVE!

Hard for me to believe that my little granddaughter, Leslie, turned five this week.  Seems like just yesterday that she was born and on the other hand when I talk to her I can't believe she is not 14 years old.  Those of you who know her certainly understand what I'm talking about.  She is such a beautiful child.  She loves her baby dolls and baby blankets and her new baby sister, Ava.  She really loves her big brother, Bradley  (especially when he does what she wants him to do.)  She is one of my grands that I won't worry about people bullying her.  She can hold her own.  One of my favorite things that she does is crawl up in her Papaw's lap.  They have a whole bunch of games that she expects him to play with her...some include forks and spoons, teapots and being thrown over his arm.  She certainly has him wrapped around her little finger.  Sometimes I feel invisible when the two of them are together...but that's alright.  They adore each other.  She is so precious to me.  Happy Birthday, Leslie Nicole!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pray for Laney

Laney, my sissy, is going to have surgery this Tuesday to remove the cancer in her body. Please pray for her and for her doctors.
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